Happy Birthday, Ingramspark!
Today, I was privileged to attend Ingramspark’s 5th birthday party. They are the printing company that makes it possible for me to do what I do. We had a great time meeting new friends, learning about marketing, touring the print facility, and eating great food! This...
Looking for a summer read?
Looking for a summer read? Available online at Amazon and B&N, in Lakeland, FL, at Scout and Tag, and in Nashville at Bound Booksellers, Atomic Books, and Home Panache.
Questions that needed an answer.
A dear, sweet friend of mine wrote me a letter. In it she explained that not only did she enjoy reading Pedestal, but she had used it in her high school English class as a free reading assignment (with a project). She was writing to me to ask specific questions for a Book Adventure Badge for American Heritage Girls (a scouting program). I thought the answers might be interesting to more than just one reader, so I have published the results for you here.

Author Questions
I received a letter from a sweet friend asking me to answer some author questions for her American Heritage Girls literature project. So honored!